
High Voltage Power Amplifier

Power amplifiers can be used with mainstream signal generators to amplify signals and are widely used in fields such as MEMS testing, ultrasonic testing, electromagnetic field driving, wireless power transmission, and college electronic experimental testing.



Working principle of high voltage amplifier



As shown in the figure above, the high-voltage amplifier converts the input voltage into high voltage and outputs the waveform.

Currently, the demand for high voltage amplifiers is getting bigger and bigger and now it has become a very important tool in research and developing, testing, and integrating a system for fields such as electronics, physics, biology, chemistry, medicine and other industries. Dexinmag produces various high-voltage amplifiers to meet customers' requirements for functional material testing.





  1. Four-quadrant output is used to drive capacitive loads;
  2. Closed-loop circuit system achieves high accuracy;
  3. The short circuit protection function is used for equipment protection;
  4. Output stable for programmable power supply applications;
  5. Low output noise ensures ultra-high precision output;





Output voltage range 0 - ±4KV DC or peak AC 0 - ±10 kV DC or peak AC
Output current range 0 - ±10mA DC or peak AC 0 - ±40 mA DC or peak AC
Input voltage range 0 - ±10V DC or peak AC
Input resistance 25kΩ
DC voltage gain 400 V/V 1000 V/V
DC voltage gain accuracy Better than 0.2% of full scale
DC offset voltage Below ±1V Below ±2V
Output noise Less than 30mV rms Less than 40mV rms
Conversion rate (10% to 90%) Better than 1000 V/μs Better than 750 V/μs
Small signal bandwidth (-3dB) DC better than 10 KHz
Large signal bandwidth (-3dB) DC better than 20 KHz DC better than 5 kHz
Whether it can be DC biased yes
Internal capacitor 300 pF (high voltage output)
Automatic power limit The output can be limited to protect the machine when overloaded
Stability Drift over time: Less than 100ppm/hr, non-cumulative
Drift with temperature: less than 120ppm/℃
Voltage monitoring
Ratio 1V/400V 1V/1000V
Noise Less than 20 mV rms
Voltage accuracy Better than 0.5% of full scale
Current monitoring
Ratio 1V/4mA 1 V/2mA
Noise 10Vrms 12 V rms
DC accuracy Better than 2% of full scale
Equipment size and weight
Width, height and depth 400x210x450mm 420 x 220 x 480 mm
Weight 12kg 16kg
High voltage output interface MHV coaxial connector High voltage connector
Power supply requirements
The output voltage AC:220V 50/60 Hz




Product description of DX series high-voltage power amplifier


The DXPA-2KV series is an ideal high-voltage amplifier that can amplify AC and DC signals. Differential output max: 1600Vp-p (±800Vp) high voltage, can drive high-voltage loads. The voltage gain is digitally adjustable, and frequently used settings can be saved with one click, providing you with convenient and simple operation options. At the same time, the dual-channel high-voltage amplifier output can also be adjusted synchronously, and can be used with mainstream signal generators to achieve signal amplification.
The DXPA-4KV series is an ideal high-voltage power amplifier that can amplify AC and DC signals. The maximum output voltage is 310Vp-p (±155Vp) and the power is 452Wp, which can drive high-voltage power loads. Voltage gain and DC bias are finely adjustable by numerical control, providing customers with a wealth of testing options.
The DXPA-10KV series is an ideal high-voltage power amplifier that can amplify AC and DC signals. The maximum output voltage is 310Vp-p (±155Vp) and the power is 452Wp, which can drive high-voltage power loads. Voltage gain and DC bias are finely adjustable by numerical control, providing customers with a wealth of testing options.


The high voltage power amplifier is a laboratory instrument that can amplify AC and DC signals, and under a given distortion rate, produce maximum power output to drive a certain load. The main technical parameters of the power amplifier include bandwidth, voltage, power, channel, slew rate, impedance, gain, etc.
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